Before the bar of God
Growing up in Warri many years ago, one of the signs to show that one has 'arrived' or that one has made it in life was that one had a bar in one's house. So you'll see people living in a single room apartment but they found a way to create a bar where you had assorted spirits and wines.
The bar was the place where the gist takes place. After a hard day's work, friends gather at the bar and unwind, secrets you probably won't hear anywhere else. It speaks to friendship, of intimacy and comradeship.
"Now [note carefully what I am telling you, for it is the truth], I write this as if I were standing before the bar of God; I do not lie'. (Gal.1.20 Amp. )
The Apostle spoke and said as he wrote, it was as though he was standing right at the bar of God. In other words, he was hanging out with God. He was God's buddy.
How intimate are you with God? Can you pick up your phone and dial Jesus' number and say, 'hey, we are hanging out today? There are those whose intimacy with the Lord begins and ends in the outer court, others are in the inner court, yet others stroll in and out of the holies of holies where the very presence of God resides, but some remain there.
"And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Moses returned to the camp, but his minister Joshua son of Nun, a young man, did not depart from the [temporary prayer] tent." (Exod.33.11)
What's your level of intimacy with the Lord? Do you know the Lord? Does the Lord know you? Do you hang out with Lord? If not, It is time to get intimate with the Lord.
Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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