My way or the highway
"Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves." (Jas.4.1 MSB)
I have heard it said that self-interest is legitimate. This is a valid proposition but it is also one of the root causes of the world's problems today. Everyone wants their way and when it does not go their way, the highway it is.
When we look at the challenges of the world today, problems in marriages, problems in businesses, and all, a better part of them would have been resolved if we heed this verse of scripture.
The verse says the appealing wars and quarrels come from deep down inside because we want our way and fight for it. What if we start looking out for the good of others, and place others as priority? If our attitude is, I won't get it until the other person is satisfied. I think one of the outcomes of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden is that man became self-centered and selfish. And one of the benefits of redemption is that one becomes selfless and sacrificial. Put others first. Defer to others
"Don't push your way to the front; don't sweet-talk your way to the top. Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don't be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand." (Phil.2.3 - 4 MSB)
Good day,
Have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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