Expressions of grace

Expressions of grace

"Summing up: Be agreeable, be sympathetic, be loving, be compassionate, be humble." (1Pet.3.8 MSB)

We speak of grace all the time. Grace comes to us in different expressions. In the previous verse, the Apostle Peter speaks of us as being heirs together of the grace of life and shows us in the next verse how we can express this grace. 

Be agreeable: some people just want to disagree or have a contrary opinion for the sake of it. The Bible says it is okay to be agreeable. We do not have to agree but we should be agreeable. It diffuses contention and makes for peace. 

Be sympathetic: see the needs of others, feel their pain, put yourself in their shoes, and be sympathetic. You may not have a solution for them but let them know that "we are in this together". 

Be loving: we know that love is the greatest emotion and giving is the highest expression of love. Be loving - that is be love personified. Let people encounter you and walk away feeling loved. 

Be compassionate: moved with compassion, the Bible tells us Jesus healed. Jesus was compassionate, you too be compassionate. Being compassionate says I do not only see you, feel your pain, or put myself in your shoes but here's the solution. Be compassionate. 

Be humble: it is a state that esteems others. It is making everyone you meet see the worth in them. Being humble is beyond humility but a combination of humility and the ability to make others see worth in themselves. 

These expressions of grace are not just what we do, they are who we are, hence it is "be agreeable, be loving, etc". We do because we first are". 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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