Casting down arguments
Casting down arguments
"The Woman said to the serpent, "Not at all. We can eat from the trees in the garden. It's only about the tree in the middle of the garden that God said, "Don't eat from it; don't even touch it or you'll die.'" (Gen.3.2 - 3)
Do not try to negotiate with the devil, it never ends well. Eve tried it and ended up plunging the human race into an endless fall until Christ Jesus through his death, burial and resurrection redeemed man.
The Devil tries to get you to argue about what you are already. It starts by trying to talk to you or suggest thoughts to you so that he will get a response from you. The Apostle Paul tells us that is where the warfare is. (see 2 Cor:10:3-5). Your mind is the battlefield. Secure your mind and enjoy your victory.
"Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do. (Prov.4.23 NLT)
Do not let the devil sow seeds in your mind. Rather do what the Psalmist taught us - Your word have I hidden in my heart that I may not sin against you (see Ps.119.36.11) Hide God's word in your heart at all time. When the devil throw suggestions at you, just like Jesus responded, say, 'it is written'. It is written is your defence against the lies of the devil.
Just keep speaking God's word against every argument and by so doing you are casting them down. Cast down every argument that exalts itself against the knowledge of Christ.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanuel Okoro,
(aka Mr. Lift)
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