Go to sleep...
Go to sleep...
"GOD put the Man into a deep sleep. As he slept he removed one of his ribs and replaced it with flesh." (Gen.2.21)
Sometimes all you need to do when you are concerned about a problem is to go to sleep. This is when there is really nothing you could do about the problem. Verse 20 of Genesis 2 tells us that man had a concern that there was no companion found suitable for him. Now you must understand that there was no one else insight that could be a solution to this problem. So in verse 21 God put the Man to sleep. Go to sleep over that problem. You've done all you can? Then go to sleep.
Another case in point was when the Apostle Peter was locked up and was due to be put to death. The Bible recorded that the Apostle James had been put to death and this pleased the Jews. So Herod proceeded to take Peter next and the night before his execution, he was sound asleep. Go to sleep and let God go to work.
"Then the time came for Herod to bring him out for the kill. That night, even though shackled to two soldiers, one on either side, Peter slept like a baby. And there were guards at the door keeping their eyes on the place. Herod was taking no chances!" (Acts.12.6)
Sleep is that period when you say none of me but all of You, Lord. Where you say to God, I have come to the end of myself, if You don’t help me, I cannot be helped. It is not a state of inaction but one of complete and absolute reliance on God. This is the time you want to engage in praise and worship like Paul and Silas did and let God get to work on your behalf.
Go to sleep and let God go to work.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanuel Okoro
(aka Mr. Lift)
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