They were both naked...

They were both naked... 

"The two of them, the Man and his Wife, were naked, but they felt no shame." (Gen.2.25) 

I am glad that it is the man and his wife that were reported naked. Not the man and a side chic, the man and his baby mama or the woman and her sugar daddy. This is instructive because the only person qualify to see your "nakedness" is your husband in the case of the woman and your wife in the case of the man. 

But much more than physical nakedness, they were both open with one another. They were vulnerable and they were not ashamed. Today we have people, husbands and wives who do not truly understand each other because they do not truly know each other. How would they know each other when they are not willing to be naked unashamedly before each other. They are unwilling to uncover their thoughts, not able to speak their mind and too scared to be vulnerable. 

Can your spouse speak to you about any subject and not feel the judgement coming on or being stigmatized? How open are you with your spouse, how free, how vulnerable? 

To begin, we must be willing, not judgemental, accommodating, learning to listen to understand, not trying to respond to everything nor trying to fix what isn't broken. Our vulnerability strengthen our bond, our trust, our understanding and our love. Let's be naked and not be ashamed...with our spouse. 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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