The lies we tell ourselves

The lies we tell ourselves 

"The elder said to the younger, Our father is aging, and there is not a man on earth to live with us in the customary way. (Gen.19.31 AMP).  

There are so many lies out there. Some sound so much like the truth but are not the truth. The most dangerous of them all are the lies we tell ourselves. Things we say to ourselves to justify our actions and our positions. We sometime even quote scriptures to support those positions but we must always remember that no scripture is subject to personal interpretation. That is to say we do not bend the scriptures to suit us rather we bend to ourselves to align with the scriptures. 

"Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. (2Pet.1.20 KJV)

Lot's children were not any different. The Bible tells us that they were virgins. The devil sold them on a lie that they would not be able to find any other man in all the earth with whom they can raise up children. So they sold themselves on the lie that the only way to raise up children was to sleep with their father. And they got their father drunk and slept with him one after the other. 

If it does not line up with the word of God, it is probably wrong. We are to do what is written in the word of God. We are to meditate on the word not read our minds into it. What lies are you telling yourself? 

We also lie to ourselves when we hold our opinions and experiences higher and above God's word. God's word is more real than our feeling - which is voice of our flesh, our thinking - which is voice of our mind and our belief - which is the voice of our conscience. Subject these to the voice of God's word and then hold on to it and He will not fail nor shame you. 

Happy New Month

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro, 
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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