The Lord says speak, speak

The Lord says speak, speak 

"That the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, "I am the LORD. Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you." But Moses said to the Lord, Behold, I am of deficient and impeded speech; how then shall Pharaoh listen to me? (Exod.6.29 AMP)

We are prone to see our deficiency instead of our efficiency. We see and concentrate on the things we do not have but fail to see the ones we have. And in most cases, the ones we have are usually more than the ones we do not have but because we focus on what we do not have, we amplify them and as such increase their ability to hold us down and hold us back. 

This was the case of Moses in our text. God had instructed him to speak to Pharaoh and had told him what to say. So it was not an issue of him not knowing what to say. But instead of speaking Moses complained to God that he is of deficient and impeded speech. 

But we must realize that God will not ask us to do something He know we cannot do. He knows we can do it, even if not in our strength. We must assume that attitude that the Apostle Paul declared in Phil. 4.13 "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

God asked you to speak, open your mouth and speak. Whatever God asked you to do, it is only because He know that you have the strength and ability in Him to do it. Whatever dream you have conceived is possible in Christ as He strengthens you to do it. Open you mouth and speak, God commands it. Speak to job, speak to the difficult situations, speak whatever it is you want to see, and not what you do not want, speak Gods word and it will come to pass. 

"... Speak the word only, and my servant shall be healed. (Matt.8.8)

Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanluel Okoro,
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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