Absentee parents

Children are only small while they are still in the womb; once they are born, they start growing, and before you know it they are adults and they are thinking for themselves. So you only have so much time with them. Make the best of it.

Just as we don't see children growing; one day you wake up and they are taller than you are, so also we do not see our impact on them -positive or negative - until they are out there on their own and need to make a decision.

Will they make the right decision? I know most times parents worry whether that decision will reflect on them in a good way; what we should rather worry about is if that decision will lead them to make the next right decision. We shouldn't worry too much if we have deposited the right stuff in them.

"How I wish I were there with you right now, so that I could be more gentle with you. But at this distance I frankly don't know what else to do." (Gal.4.20)

Like Paul, we will wish we were there with our children. Now that you have the opportunity, make the time to spend time with your children. Most of the challenges we face in the world today trace back to absentee parents. You want to be present in their lives and not just hand them presents.

One of the advantages of being present is that they get to see you deal with life. They see you face and overcome challenges. They see you fail and deal with your failure and watch you bounce back to life. Be present in their life so much that when they have left the nest they can still feel the weight of your presence, your voice in their ear, the stare in your eyes, the compassion of your heart. Don't just wish you were there, be there.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Amen, we will be open and naked to our children so that they can read us a book and be formed. Thank you sir, God bless you.


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