Counted as righteousness

"Thus Abraham believed in and adhered to and trusted in and relied on God, and it was reckoned and placed to his account and credited as righteousness (as conformity to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action)." (Gal.3.6 Amp.)

What does it mean to count as righteousness with God? To believe in, adhered to, trust in and rely on God.

Righteous living was credited as believing in, adhering to, trusting in, and relying on God

It is noteworthy that what started as an act of belief was turned into a lifestyle of faith.

"Don't these things happen among you just as they happened with Abraham? He believed God, and that act of belief was turned into a life that was right with God." (Gal.3.6 MSG)

Until your belief become your lifestyle you will not see much-needed change.

You must act out your belief in your daily routine. Incorporate your confession into your conversation, make your activities align with your prayers, make the words of the Bible become flesh in your life.

And the word became flesh and dwelt.

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." (John.1.14)

The word did not visit, it dwelt, it stayed. If you abide in me and my words abide in you.

He will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Him. The secret of God is not just with them that dwell in the secret place, the secret is dwelling In the secret place.

Has the word of God become flesh in you? Do you believe in, adhere to, trust in and rely on God? Have your beliefs become your lifestyle?

Good day
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Yes I do...thank you sir
    Good morning sir

  2. My believe will become a lifestyle..

    Inspiring, thank for sharing sir

  3. Thank you for this powerful word today.
    I must really act out my belief in my daily life, incorporate my confession into my conversation, make my activities align with my prayers and then let the word of God become flesh . Wow word.
    God bless you again and again.


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