God's got you covered

Can you come up with just one scenario in your life where you think God is incapable of taking care of you? Some would say it does not exist; but if you are capable of coming up with one such scenario, what it means is that you need a better perception of the abilities of your God. God's got you covered.

Case in point, when He created Adam in the garden of Eden, He created him on the sixth day by design because by then everything man would ever need would have been readied. And when it appeared as though the man needed something that God seem not to have taken into account, He created her. God's got you covered.

"GOD said, "It's not good for the Man to be alone; I'll make him a helper, a companion."
(Gen.2.18) When this need arose, it was to prove to man, that there is never a need that will arise in his life that God will not be able to take care of.

"He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need," (Eph.1.8 msg)

The Apostle Paul says God thought of everything but He did not stop there, He went further and provided for everything we could possibly need. We learned a very important lesson from Luke 15 that availability does not equate to accessibility. Though everything the Father had was his, the elder son did not enjoy the largesse because he could find his yes.

"Whatever God has promised gets stamped with the Yes of Jesus. In him, this is what we preach and pray, the great Amen, God's Yes and our Yes together, gloriously evident." (2Cor.1.20). Find your yes in God but also in those who encourage you, who support you, who speak you up not bring you down with their words. Find your yes, God's got you covered.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Yes God has me fully covered, thanks for message. God bless you


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