God has the final word

You are very important but the world does not revolve around you. We are only a very minute speck in the grand scheme of things. God is in charge of everything and He has the final word on everything.

Many of us may find this a little hard to believe because in our mind, we think we are in charge, we've got this, that, and the other under control but if the truth were to be told, God is in charge of it all and has the final word on everything.

"He is in charge of it all, has the final word on everything. At the center of all this, Christ rules the church." (Eph.1.22 MSG)

This is not to excuse us from responsibilities but to rather put things in perspective. Let us know who to run to when situations and circumstances seem to overwhelm us. We may have delegated authority but God has the final word on everything.

And because we know that God loves us and will always have our best interest at all times, we can truly trust Him with being in charge. It should be conforming to know that God has the final word on everything. That also means when my situation or circumstances do not line up with what the word of God says, I can go back to him and say this is what your word says concerning this matter and hold on to Him until He settles me. God has the final word on everything, not the devil, not your situation but God.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Yes oooo, not the devil or my situation! Good morning and remain blessed.


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