More than thank God, ask God

The Apostle Paul taught us to think and then thank God. Then he went further to say, I do not only think and thank God, I ask. I am not ungrateful for what God has done. I think about it, then I thank God but because I need more, I ask.

It is one thing to be grateful to God for the things God has done but because I need more, I ask God for more. My gratefulness for the little things is a license for God to do greater things. What do you want to ask God to do for you as you go forward into the new year?

"But I do more than thank. I ask--ask the God of our Master, Jesus Christ, the God of glory--to make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally," (Eph.1.17 MSG)

We have not because we ask not. (see James:4:2) If you want to have then you have to ask. Jesus said ask and it shall be given unto you (see Matthew:7:7) Asking is equally as important as what you asked for. 

It is interesting to note what the Apostle Paul asked for. He did not ask for cars and stuff, not that those are bad; but he asked for intangible realities such as intelligence and discernment in knowing God personally.

His request was for a personal and intimate relationship with the God of our Master Jesus Christ. Little wonder he wrote almost half of the New Testament. What a person asked for reveals what the person is thinking about. That's why he encouraged us in the previous verse to think in the place of prayer.

May God make you intelligent and discerning in knowing him personally in Jesus' name. Amen

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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