The world is peripheral to the church

Christ is the center of the world. He is the center of human existence. Christ Jesus is that point where the past and the future meet the present. And the church is His body and He does not speak, acts, and fill all things with His presence without His body, the church.

The church is not peripheral to the world, it is not at the edge or a corner of civilization but in fact, is the center of it

"The church, you see, is not peripheral to the world; the world is peripheral to the church. The church is Christ's body, in which he speaks and acts, by which he fills everything with his presence." (Eph.1.23 MSG)

One reason God expects the church to take her rightful place at the center is that it is through the church that Christ speaks and acts. It is through the church that Christ fills everything with His presence. So when we shy away from politics, it becomes difficult for Christ to fill it with His presence. When we stay back from governance, Christ can't speak or act through the church.

The church is not peripheral to the world, the world is peripheral to the church. Christ is the center of it all. And the church is His body through which he speaks, acts, and fills everything. And you and I are the church, so it is through you and me that christ speaks, acts, and fills everything with His presence. You are at the center of the stage and the spotlight is shining on you, be sure to reflect that light to a dying world.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Indeed, we are the vessels through which Christ spreads His fragrance to the word.


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