God has you where He wants you

Have you ever wondered if you were at the right place?  Do you worry about positioning yourself so that you can gain that promotion, or position yourself so you can attract that business or that "Mr. Right" or “Miss Right“? I have good news for you: God's got right where He wants you

"Now God has us where he wants us, with all the time in this world and the next to shower grace and kindness upon us in Christ Jesus."
(Eph.2.7 MSG)

He has you where He wants you. It may not be a pleasant place right now but know that He always has your best interest no matter what.

I can imagine Joseph in prison after he had interpreted the butler's dream and was looking forward to being released. (See Gen:40) But God has other plans. He has Joseph just where He wanted him.

What about the three Hebrew boys? (see Dan:3) About to be cast into the furnace of fire. I imagine other believers standing in the gap interceding that they are released. But God says not before they have seen that even in the fire, He is still God and that He is God over the fire. And that when He says He'll be with you in the fire, you'll understand what exactly He means.

I don't know what you are going through right now but one thing I know is that God's got you right where He wants you so that He would "shower grace and kindness upon you in Christ Jesus." So God locks you in a place where He wants you so that you don't miss His grace and kindness. God has you where He wants you.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Amen! And he will bring to pass all the good desires of our souls only if we are Patience and follow his precepts. Good morning and remain blessed.

  2. Wow...very powerful message.
    Thank you for sharing sir

  3. Yes He has me where He wants me...very powerful.
    Thank you sir

  4. Absolutely I believe!
    Thank you sir


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