You are a part of what God is building

She sat with her hands placed on her cheek as though she was receiving a call, lost in thought and oblivious of her immediate surrounding. What is the matter I asked, jolting her back to the present? "I am thinking about my life", she said. God has got a plan for your life and He is working it out for your good.

"That's plain enough, isn't it? You're no longer wandering exiles. This kingdom of faith is now your home country. You're no longer strangers or outsiders. You belong here, with as much right to the name Christian as anyone. God is building a home. He's using us all--irrespective of how we got here--in what he is building. (Eph.2.19 MSG)

The above text begins with a question: "That's plain enough, isn't it?

What is plain enough you may want to ask?

The previous verse had told us that we have equal access to the Father. And the Apostle Paul is saying that is plain enough but it did not end there.

It says furthermore that the kingdom of faith is now your home country and that you are no longer an outsider. You now belong to the inside. And that you have as much right as anyone else as to what God is building.

You are a tool or material in the hands of God and He is building with you. You did not choose yourself, God chose to build with you. Count it as a privilege and an honor and a great sense of responsibility.

And your current situation, bad or ugly as it may seem is just a piece in the overall grand scheme of things. Trust God to bring you through to a better end. God is building with your life. Sometimes you may need to dig deep to lay a solid foundation. And this foundation is most times not seen when the building is completed. God may be digging your foundation, excavating stuff that is not supposed to be there. What's coming up next is going to be a beauty to behold. You are a part of what God is building.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Thank you sir.. You are a blessing to this generation

  2. God will continue to enlarge your coast in Jesus name Amen. Good morning.

  3. What is coming up next for me is going to be beauty to behold.. Amen.


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