God over us, in us, and through us

I have heard the saying, every man for himself, God for us all. I wonder what the world will be like if this saying reads, every man for his brother or sister, God for us all. God has good enough sense to be for us all but we do not have enough sense to be on the lookout for the interest of our brothers and sisters. We've been selfish for far too long, it is time to put others' interests into consideration and be selfless.

"and there is only one God and Father, who is over us all and in us all and living through us all." (Eph.4.6 NLT)

I believe it is possible. If the God who is over us now lives in us, then we can put the need of others in proper perspective. We can consider others because God considers us and he is in us so we can consider others also. God is not just over us but he is also in us.

And finally, he wants to live through us all. Imagine what it will be like if the God that is in you lives through you?  In other words, he thinks and acts through you. That your actions, every single one of them is vetted by the standard of the word of God. That God finds expression in and through your thoughts and your words. And through every fiber of your being. God is not just over you, He is in you but much more He wants to live through you. Will you let him?

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Will you let him? A big question and the answer for me is YES. Thank you Jesus.
    Good morning and have a great week ahead.


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