Husband love your wife

That a husband is supposed to love his wife does not mean that the wife cannot love but rather submit. Love and submission are not mutually exclusive between a man and his wife. It can be either way.

But the instruction to the husband is to go all out in his love for his wife. Meaning nothing should be held back, even to the point of death as Christ did for the church. If you understand what Christ did for the church, then you can begin to measure the extent Io which you are to love your wife. I remember when I was getting ready to marry my wife and I had gone to visit a pastor friend of mine to inform him of our decision. He looked at me and asked if I was ready to die for my wife. Because the bible says I should lay down my life as Christ did for his bride, the church. 

"Husbands, go all out in your love for your wives, exactly as Christ did for the church--a love marked by giving, not getting." (Eph.5.25 MSG)

This kind of love seeks to give and not to get. Love is expressed much more in giving than in getting.

Verse 29 of Ephesians 5 helps us see how we can go all out to love our wives.

"For no man ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and carefully protects and cherishes it, as Christ does the church," (Eph.5.29 AMP )

It says as no man hates his own body but nourishes it, carefully protects it, and cherishes it so the man ought to love his wife. His love must be expressed in giving, nourishing, protecting, and cherishing her.

You can begin to love your wife as the Bible instructs. Give her all that you have. Nourish her spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and otherwise. Then it says you carefully protect her - in the place of prayer, physically, and emotionally. Then cherish your wife, that means, honour her, value her, respect her, esteem her. Husbands love your wives. 

Happy New month 

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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