Making the most of your time

There are several attributes of time. It cannot be stored, it cannot be retrieved, etc but it can be maximized and that is our focus today. How do you make the most of your time?

Time is tied to life. The more of your time you spend, the more of your life you spend. If you make good use of your time, you make good use of your life. If you waste your time, you waste your life.

"Making the very most of the time [buying up each opportunity], because the days are evil." (Eph.5.16 Amp.)

Opportunity is measured by time. If time is the greatest assets man has, then man must measure opportunities in terms of how much time man invested rather than how much money or profit man gets out.  If you use less time to achieve more, then the opportunity is greater because it leaves you with more time to achieve more extra. Little wonder, the Psalmist says "Teach us to number our days so that we can apply our heart to wisdom. (see Ps:90:12)

How much time do you spend on your phone? What returns do get out of it? And remember returns are not necessarily measured in monetary terms alone. Take an inventory of your day, see where most of your time is spent. Do you get the most of that time? If not, it is time to reevaluate your priorities. Not until we can pinpoint what we want to get out of what we put in, we may not be making the best use of time. What do you get out of your time of prayer? Your time of study of the Word of God? Your attendance of church service? God expects that you are getting the best out of these times, otherwise you are not making the best of your time. Make the most of your life by making the most of your time.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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