Making music in your heart to the Lord

The primary reason God created man was to fellowship. The man was a replica of God on the earth and a pleasing partner, one with whom He can have a mutually beneficial relationship. Man is very important to God. Hence, the devil tried to derail him in trying to get at God.

In the cool of the day in the garden, God will come and fellowship with man. But this was not enough, God wanted more and after man fell and was restored, God made it possible for man to stay in constant touch with Him. Hence He said, that He put His laws in man's heart so they're both constantly in touch.

"Then you will sing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs among yourselves, making music to the Lord in your hearts" (Eph.5.19 NLT)

Paul the Apostle says we can now stay in the place where we can constantly make music to the Lord in our hearts. The heart is from where true worship emanates. Jesus puts it this way, "true worshippers worship in spirit and truth" (see John:4:23-23). When worship comes from the heart, it is true.

The music and all that accompanies it are only means, true worship resides in the heart. When the heart is true, the worship is true. And this true heart expresses itself through the words of our mouth. 

"By him, therefore, let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. (Heb.13.15)

First the heart, then the mouth. Make worship a thing of the heart, make music to the Lord in your heart.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


  1. Good morning and remain blessed.
    We must all worship him in truth and in spirit.


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