Be strong in the Lord
The Apostle reminds us and began by saying...
Finally... After all, is said and done. Finally... when it comes to the final analysis, he says to be strong in the Lord. That is to say, allow your strength to come from the Lord. Do not be strong in your riches, not in your connections, not in your skills and competencies... but find your strength in the Lord. Even when you have strength in all of these areas, do not be dependent on them but the Lord.
The reasons for this are not far-fetched. Because our fight is not with flesh and blood. It is not with anything physical but with spiritual. So if your strength is anything other than what it should be, you will not succeed. He says, to dig deep within you and find your strength in the Lord.
In other words, build your capacity in the Lord, build your competence in the word of his grace that is able to build you up, and don't be a rookie in the word of God. Concerning the word, be not children but mature.
Then also in the power of His might. The Holy Ghost is the might of God. So be strong in the word and the Spirit. The Word and the Holy Ghost work hand in hand. The Holy Ghost will not lead us outside of God's Word. Everything the Holy Ghost says and does can be confirmed in and by the word of God.
Finally, be strong in the word of God and the workings of the Spirit of God.
Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
Thank you for the message.