
One of the greatest forces in the world today is volunteerism. And the power behind it is that of selfless service. When we put in our hands to work, whether in church or secular responsibility, one word should greet our services at all times and that should be a faithful servant or dependable servant.

The reason volunteering is such a strong force is that they do what they do from the place of passion. And when knowledge is added to passion, the outcome is usually incredible.

"Tychicus, my good friend here, will tell you what I'm doing and how things are going with me. He is certainly a dependable servant of the Master!" (Eph.6.21 msg)

Apostle Paul described this aide of his Tychicus as a dependable servant of the Master. He says, he is a dependable servant of the Master. It is noteworthy to mention that he did not refer to him as his servant but that of the Master. Whose servants are you? Do you know who your Master is? Are you dependable? It is because some do not know whose they are that they seek to please man, eye service.

When you understand that the one for whom you work is always present, and He is ever seeing, but much more that He is a rewarder, you will do your work not as for a man whose resources are limited but for a God who owns the cattle on a thousand hills. God is the one who rewards. He should be your focus.

And when the work seems burdensome, or longer and harder than you expected instead of letting your attitude go sour, turn to Him and say, you are working extra or overtime and as such need your overtime bonus. Don't forget that it was God that told us that a workman is worthy of his wages, so expect God to pay you. And He is no debtor to any man.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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