Keep focused

Do you want everything God has for you? Then you will need to keep focused on the goal. That is the admonition of the Apostle Paul to us. Do not let anything take your eyes off the goal. Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of your faith. Keep the focus on Him.

"So let's keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision --you'll see it yet!" (Phil.3.15)

Focus is a difficult thing in this day and age of weapons of mass distractions. Each look and turn you will find something to distract you. But if you want everything God has for you, you will find a way to distract your distraction and focus on the goal.

Focus creates blindness a wise man has said. If you discipline yourself long enough to focus on your focus you'll be blind to every form of distraction. Our text says you need nothing less than a total commitment. And with that God will clear your blurred vision.

Commit to your commitment, keep focused on your focus and the goal will be clearer, and the vision will be vivid. Keep focus.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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