Measure twice cut once

The popular saying goes measure twice cut once. In the other quarter, it said, check, double-check and check again. That seems to be the message the Apostle Paul passes across in our text today.

"Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you, to me indeed is not grievous, but for you it is safe." (Phil.3.1)

Finally, at the end of it all, he says rejoice in the Lord... Not because everything is going as planned and not because everything is going rosy and dandy but that, that is supposed to be our default seeing. Our default state is rejoicing. Let nothing steal your joy.

He went further to say that I am repeating myself but it is for safety. He was saying that repetition was necessary for reinforcement. When God asked Moses to send Joshua out to battle, God asked Moses to rehearse the fact that the Amalekites were going to be blotted out.

Every time we re-emphasize instruction to our children, our subordinate, it is to strengthen the instruction. The Apostle Paul says it is for safety. Do not be tired of hearing God's word over and over again. It is not only building faith in you, it is strengthening your resolve.

Deuteronomy tells us to keep the words of God always before our eyes when walking the streets when we stay at home and when we lie down. (see Deut.6.4 - 7) It is for our safety. I may repeat God's instructions to you, for you, Paul says it is for your safety.

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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