Walk in the truth you already know

When you practice all the truth you know, more truth will be revealed to you. When  God shows you the truth in His word, it is not just for you to know but much more for you to practice.

And if you know anything about God, you will understand that He does not give you all the pictures all at once. It is on need-to-know bases. Imagine when God showed Joseph in his dream that his brothers were going to bow down to him, that God also showed him the processes. That he was going to be thrown into the pit, sold into slavery, and that he was going to go to prison? (See Gen:37) God may paint the picture of the end for you but the process will be on a need to keep bases.

"But we must be sure to obey the truth we have learned already". (Phil.3.16)

But when you act on that revealed truth of His word, that act of faith will open the next phase up to you.

Our text says we must be sure to obey the truth we have already learned. God told Abraham to go and sacrifice his son, his only son Isaac. Without hesitation, he moved and in that obedience, God gave him the next instruction. Do not harm the child, look behind you. (see Gen:22)

There are some people whose stagnation is tied to their obedience to the last revealed truth to them. Don't try to figure it all out, obey God by taking the first step and God will meet you there. Elijah goes to the brooks and then after a while the brooks dried up. (See 1Kings:17:7) Go to the Zarephath woman. (See 1 Kibgs:17:9) Saul had met the Master on the Damascus road, blinded. Go to the street called Straight. He obeyed, and the next instruction followed. (See Acts:9)

Practice the truth you already know, and act on the instruction you already have. God will meet with you there. 

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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