Qualified to be trusted

I was in a discussion with a young lady the other day and she berated her former boss who she said was a pastor but could not believe what sort of a pastor lies and owes people their salary but spends lavishly on his son's birthday while he is at it. She does not think that the boss should be a pastor. "I am more honest than he is," she says. So why aren't you then pastor I asked? 

It is stories like this that validate a verse like our text today:

"God tested us thoroughly to make sure we were qualified to be trusted with this Message." (1Thess.2.3 msg) 

God does not trust this message just to anyone. He thoroughly tests those he entrusts the message to and makes sure that they are qualified to be trusted. 

God tested us thoroughly. If that is the case why do we still have pastors/ministers that are not trustworthy? Some of them are not called. Simple. We are in the last days and these days scriptures say we will have a lot of fake pastors and prophets. The reason we are instructed to "test all spirits". 

"My loved ones, do not put your faith in every spirit, but put them to the test, to see if they are from God: because a great number of false prophets have gone out into the world" (1 John:4:1 BBE) 

And this is not to say that God calls perfect people, far from it. But He tests those he calls and calls those he has tested and then makes sure that they are qualified. And qualifications are on different levels. True, we are all work in progress and we must make sure we walk worthy of the call. 

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received". (Eph.4.1 NIV) 

Maybe your waiting period is just a testing and pruning period for you. You may have to sit an exam over and again to get it right. If God hasn't given up on you, you shouldn't give up on yourself. To be trusted you'd have to be trustworthy. To be trustworthy, you will have to be qualified for the trust. 

Good day,
And have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)


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