Leave good behind

The rat race requires us to run helter-skelter, from pillar to post just so we can make ends meet. People no longer have time for the things that truly matter. We wake up early and sleep late just so we can acquire wealth, only to spend that wealth treating sickness when we break down. Remember, we brought nothing to this world and we will take nothing with us when we die. 

"After all, we didn't bring anything with us when we came into the world, and we certainly cannot carry anything with us when we die."  (1Tim.6.7) 

What then should we do, knowing either way we will go out empty-handed? We should live in such a way that when the time comes and we must leave this world we would have left something behind that makes the world a better place than we met it. 

What will you leave behind? I urge you to leave good behind. What will your life account for when you are remembered? 

I am reminded of the man who asked his young friend who was just starting his life this question: what do you want to be remembered for?  After a long pause, he answered. And the man said to his young friend, you better begin to live your life in such a way that when you die, those things you have said are the things you will be remembered for. 

Leave good behind. Will people read your books and remember that you lived? Will they be singing your songs, long after you have left the scene? Will they be using your invention? 

You came into this world empty, you should leave the world emptier leaving good behind. 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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