Get rid of your entanglement

In every of God's promises to you, there is the God part and then there is your part. For example, we are saved by grace through faith. God provides His saving grace but you must exercise your faith and take advantage of the grace that has been made available. 

Just as there are privileges, there are also responsibilities. It is your responsibility to act on God's word, it is your responsibility to pray. And as our text, today shows, it is your responsibility to not entangle yourself. 

"No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." (2Tim.2.4) 

We are constantly at war. And as a soldier in the army of the Lord, it is your responsibility to rid yourself of every entanglement. Entanglement is anything that stops you from pleasing your commanding officer, anything that hinders you from fulfilling your purpose and carrying out your assignment. Your focus as a soldier is to please your commanding officer who has chosen you to be a soldier. 

What entanglement stops you from praying, studying God's word, witnessing to the unsaved, or serving in the house of God and being a blessing to humanity? God has provided the grace but you have a part to play and rid yourself of every entanglement. Your focus is to please Jesus Christ, your commanding officer, and not to please yourself. Enjoy your privileges but do not forget your responsibility. 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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