God's word isn't in jail

There are several kinds of jail. Physical jail, mental jail, emotional jail, and imaginary jail. And some people are imprisoned in a jail of their own making while others are imprisoned by situations and circumstances. 

And some think that because they are jailed, the word of God is also jailed. That when they imprison the messenger that carries the message, they have imprisoned the message but they would be sadly disappointed. The word of God is not in jail, cannot be jailed, and will not be jailed. 

"It's what I'm sitting in jail for right now--but God's Word isn't in jail!" (2Tim.2.9) 

I do not know what kind of jail you find yourself in right now. But I am here to tell you that the word of God can come into that jail and break you free but the word cannot be jailed. 

The word set Paul and Silas free from the jailhouse in Philippi and the word can do the same for you. 

"And suddenly there was a great earthquake so that the foundations of the prison were shaken: and immediately all the doors were opened, and everyone's bands were loosed."(Acts.16.26)

The word is that powerful, with it, prison doors can be opened. 

It is important to remember that the word of God cannot be restricted, confined, or imprisoned. So speak God's word to whatever has imprisoned you. Jesus said that you shall know the truth, and the truth that you know will set you free. 

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John.8.32 NLT) 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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