In thoughts, words, and deeds
This passage of scripture is packed full of instructions for godly living.
Firstly, it says to shun youthful lust. Youthful lust because he was addressing his youthful godson Timothy. We could say shun lust, youthful or otherwise.
Then it says to aim at and pursue righteousness. Make it your aim in life to pursue all that is virtuous and good, right living, and conformity to the will of God in thoughts, words, and deeds.
When you are asked what your goal in life is? You should answer and say, "to live a virtuous and good life, to conform to the will of God." And then he puts the icing on the cake by saying "in thoughts, words, and deeds."
Your thoughts become your words and your words govern your actions - your deeds. If your thoughts are not pure your words cannot be pure and if your words are not pure, your life cannot be pure. Pure thoughts produce pure words, that in turn produce pure life. He says this is how you aim at and pursue righteousness. Pure thoughts, pure words, and pure deeds.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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