The Holy Spirit Who lives in you

God is a good God. There is no badness whatsoever in God. And because God is good, He only gives good gifts to His children. Are you a child of God? Expect good things from your Father. He gives only good gifts to those who ask Him. 

"That good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Ghost which dwelleth in us." (2Tim.1.14) 

Good things are committed to you and you are expected to collaborate with the Holy Spirit to keep them. Most people are missing out on the benefits that the Holy Spirit brings to the table. 

The Holy Spirit lives inside of you and you carry Him everywhere you go. It is important to be conscious of His very presence and engage Him on every level possible. 

The Psalmist says God is a very present help in trouble (see Psalm:46:1) which means you will get help when you need it. And we know He is not only present in trouble but also as He is our Comforter, Standby, Advocate, Intercessor, Counsellor, Helper, and Strengthener. (see John:14:16 Amp.) 

Work with the Holy Spirit to keep the good thing God has gifted you. 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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