Let God handle it
That we live in trying times is no longer news. People will go out of their way to hurt you. They do this because they hurt themselves. As the saying goes, 'hurt people will hurt people'.
People are looking for avenues to vent, to pour their frustrations. As though, if they pour it on someone, they will be free of it. Or it is even you who is looking for the appropriate avenue to let out steam.
Let us draw from the example of the Apostle Paul and let God handle it. He says that "Alexander the coppersmith did him much evil". I do not know what people have done to you. Do not allow them to drag you into their frustration. Let God handle it. Just as the Apostle Paul says "the Lord rewards him according to his works:"
It is as if we forget that God will truly reward every man according to his work. So if you do good, God will reward you but if you do otherwise, you will also get your reward.
Hold yourself back. Constantly remind yourself, that God will avenge you. It will come easy with practice and God will handle it.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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