I prefer to appeal
Dialogue is a two-way street. It resolves problems better than force would. A smiling sun is indeed much stronger than a whirling tornado. Jesus the greatest Victor of all times, was led like a sheep before the slaughter, and like a sheep, he opened not His mouth. In His meekness is the strength that conquered sin, sickness, and satan.
Yet for love's sake, I prefer to appeal to you just for what I am - I, Paul, an ambassador [of Christ Jesus] and an old man and now a prisoner for His sake also" (Phlm.1.9 AMP)
People in a position of power and leadership must not only understand the power they wield but also how to use it. Paul here says I have power but I prefer to appeal to you for low sake.
For love's sake - I am not doing this because it is the most convenient thing to do but for love's sake.
In other words, I love you so much that I would rather appeal to you than wield that power in demand for what I need you to do. I am a firm believer that people will act right if they are treated right. Are there exceptions, of course, they are. But by and large, they will. Boss, try and treat your subordinates with some modicum of respect and see how they'll reciprocate. Paul says "I appeal to you, I appeal to your sense of responsibility, I appeal to your sense of better judgement.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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