You can still do more

"Therefore, though I have abundant boldness in Christ to charge you to do what is fitting and required and your duty to do, (Phil.1.8 AMP)

When you do what your duties are, you do not deserve a pat on the back. You only get a pat when you have done more than is required. 

Everyone, okay not everyone; most people do what is required but what stands a person out is doing the extra. The extra on top of the ordinary is what produces the extraordinary. Whether you are outstanding or not is dependent on whether you are willing to do the extra.  

Duty is normal, extraordinary is uncommon. Not everyone is willing to go the extra. Be willing to do a little bit extra. That is what makes you different, if you keep living up to people's ideas, then you will not continue to be different but if you put in the extra you will stand out, and be outstanding

Paul says to Philemon, go the extra mile, and do more than is required. Read a little more, study a little more, pray a little more, give a little more, care a little more, laugh a little more, and write a little more. Whatever it... Just be and do a little bit more 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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