God will validate His word

"All the while God was validating it with gifts through the Holy Spirit, all sorts of signs and miracles, as he saw fit. (Heb.2.4 MSB)

So many people are trying to validate God's word but they can't. Only God can validate His word. This brings the story of Uzzah to mind (see 2 Sam:6:6-7) You cannot help God.

When Jesus was leaving the earth, He gave the disciples, and the church the great commission. And it is on record that He was with them confirming and validating His word with signs and wonders following.

"And the disciples went everywhere preaching, the Master working right with them, validating the Message with indisputable evidence.] (Mark.16.20 MSB)

We are to go and preach the gospel. Some believers are at the point of error in that they are trying to validate God's word. And this has caused some to try to perform without the help of the Holy Spirit.

Our place is to speak the word of God in faith and it is God's place to validate His word. Do not feel the need to perform, speak the word in faith and let God validate His word.

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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