Keep your mind on God

"And I was provoked, oh, so provoked! I said, "They'll never keep their minds on God; they refuse to walk down my road." (Heb.3.10 MSB)

The number one way you can walk in the pathway of God is by keeping your mind on God.

What does it mean to keep your mind on God?

It means to keep your thoughts on God. It means to constantly keep the word of God in mind. It means before you do anything, you are thinking, what does the word of God say about this thing I'm about to do? It means you consult with God before carrying out your actions. 

The Psalmist speaks of the man who does not think of God. It says God is not in all his thought and therefore refers to him as wicked. That means the sure path to wickedness is to keep God from your thoughts

"The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts." (Ps.10.4)

Keeping your mind on God means applying what God's word says to your situations. It is much more than just thinking about God when you are to make a decision, but applying the word of God to your situations.

Keep God in mind, be mindful of Him.

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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