Not too late nor too short
In the grand scheme of things God sometimes appears too late and sometimes too short. But God is never too late, neither is He too short.
The story of Sarah comes to mind. God had said that she was going to bear a son according to the time of life. But Sarah laughed and the Lord asked:
"Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." (Gen.18.14)
God is never too late and He is not too short.
But our text is not about the capacity of God to deliver on His promises but on our ability to think of or consider ourselves too late or too short to receive the promise God has for us.
Do not count yourself out. Your shortcomings notwithstanding. God considered those before He made the promise. You need to dust yourself up and step up to the plate to receive the promise God made to you. Because the promise of God still holds today, do not think yourself too late or too short of reaching it. Jesus qualified you, trust In His finished work on the cross, for by flesh shall no man prevail but in Christ Jesus, you are not too late nor too short. You are enough because He is enough.
Good day,
Have a great day today,
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift)
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