Solid food for full-grown...

"But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law." (Heb.5.14 AMP)

Some people live to eat. What a waste. Others eat to live. For one to grow with full mental capacity and sense fully sensitive to distinguish 
and discriminate between what is morally right and noble, one needs what the Bible refers to as solid food. 

Have you had your senses and mental faculties trained by practice?

I watch some basketball moves that will utterly astound you. And those moves were only made possible by constant and consistent practice. That is what we are to do with the word of God. 

God's word says you are healed and then the devil tries to put sickness on you but you refuse and do what first Peter 5:8 says, "resist him steadfast in the faith". 

But this is only possible because you have learned how to practice God's word. Start with something that is seemingly small and consistently practice the word and you will keep growing. That's how you train yourself by constantly exercising the word. Solid food is for grown men. The way to grow yourself is by doing what the word says. Do God's word...

"Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;)

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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