Stir up one another to love and good deeds

Stir up one another to love and good deeds 

"Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds." (Heb.10.24 NLT)

I have heard it said that you can force a horse to the river but you can't force it to drink. But what if there was a way to make the horse want to drink? I understand that if you put salt in its nostril, it will want to drink. 

The best way to make anyone do anything is to make one want to do it. When you give a person a compelling reason why the person should do a thing, chances are, they will. 

That is what our text encourages us to do today and always. It says we should "think of ways to encourage one another to an outburst of love and good deeds". Another translation says "to stir up, stimulate and incite one another to love and good deeds. 

What if all we do as a people were to encourage one another to love and do good deeds? The world will be a better place. Interestingly, it did not tell us how to but rather that we should think of the ways we can do that. Imagine a couple trying to outdo each other with little deeds of love. 

Just like our horse in our opening paragraph, the onus is on us to think up ways to encourage others to an outburst of love and good deeds. Do some good today and when you are done, do some more. The world suffers from a deficit of love and good deeds. Show some love and do some good and may God help us all. Amen

Good day
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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