Held together by love

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"Stay on good terms with each other, held together by love." (Heb.13.1 MSB)

Love may be the most important word in the English language but expressing and receiving love are the best emotions one may feel. The love of God does not discriminate, it holds everything together. 

You cannot love people and not stay on good terms with them. There may be some difficult days and difficult people but when all is said and done, love holds everything together. 

Love shows up, love speaks up, love covers, and love shields. Love restrains, love helps, love holds and love lets go of hate, hurt, and distrust. Love forgives, love forgets and love gives. Love is patient and love is kind. It speaks peaceably. It is firm, it chastises, it rebukes and it corrects. Love holds everything together 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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