Count it all joy

Count it all joy

"My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;" (Jas.1.2)

As a young man I learnt the old hymnal, "Count your blessings, name them one by one and it will surprise you what the Lord has done". It was a lesson in gratitude towards God for all his many blessings.

We cannot count enough all that He has done, is doing, and will yet do. And for this, we are forever grateful. But no one has ever mentioned that we were meant to also count the trials that are sent out ways as an opportunity to also give God praise. 

As I read through this, and put the situations and circumstances of the country in perspective, I was reminded that it was an opportunity to count it as joy. 

When we are faced with trials and temptation, we have just been granted an opportunity to count it as joy. And when we learn this perspective of looking at trials and temptation, it is a lot easier to see passed the trials to the solution. 

Seize this moment and thank God for whatever seeming difficulty in your life today and see how your perspective will change. And you will be able to see God at work...count it all joy

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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