S. S. S

August 18, 2023

S. S. S.

"Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath:" (Jas.1.19)

S.S.S. usually speaks of the state secret service but today SSS as it relates to our text is Swift to hear, Slow to speak, and Slow to wrath. We will do to remember that. 

We are required to be swift to hear. The one thing most people are not good at doing is listening. Listen with the intent to hear what the Spirit is saying. What your neighbour is saying. Hear what the word of God is saying. 

Slow to speak. While it will be easier for some of us to speak than hear, the text admonished us to rather hear and be slow to speak. We should hear twice as much as we speak, little wonder we have two ears and one mouth. Listen twice, speak once. 

Slow to wrath. Do not be quick to be angry. Mostly, our rational side is suspended when we get angry. But we can train ourselves to remain calm and bring our emotions under control and be slow to wrath. Be deliberate, diligent, and slow to anger. 

Good day, 
Have a great day today, 
EmmA (aka Mr. Lift) 


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