Great and precious promises

Great and precious promises

"Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust." (2Pet.1.4 KJV)

God called Abraham and gave him promises and told him that his children would go into slavery for 400 years. After which they will come out with great substance

"And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years; And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance." (Gen.15.13 - 14)

Imagine a promise that requires one going through slavery to get to its fulfilment. But God is not unwise. 

God also gave us great and precious promises. And that by these great and precious promises, we might be partakers of God's divine nature. Just as Abraham's descendants went through slavery and came out with great substance so we the spiritual descendants of Abraham will through these great and precious promises partake in the divine nature of God. 

That is why it is very important to look consistent with the intent to become all that the word of God (the great and precious promises) says so that everything the word says concerning you, you will become. 

"But if you keep looking steadily into God's perfect law--the law that sets you free--and if you do what it says and don't forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it." (Jas.1.25) 

The more you look, the more of him you will see and the more of Him you see, the more of Him you will become. Look intently and steadily at great and precious promises. 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift)


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