Choice cut of meat

Choice cuts of meat

"Abel also brought an offering, but from the firstborn animals of his herd, choice cuts of meat. GOD liked Abel and his offering," (Gen.4.4) 

I grew thinking that Cain's offering wasn't accepted because his offering did not contain blood; as God could not accept him without the shedding of blood to atone for his sins. And if God could not accept him, then God could not also accept his offering. 

But I now know that this position is supported only because of the sin consciousness. The belief that we have sinned and must come to God with morose attitude that looked repented before God. But Cain's Offering was not accepted because he did not give of his best unto God. 

Cain was a farmer and could only give of his produce. If God expected him to give livestock that he did not have in order to accept him, then God would be unfair. Abel gave of his livestock but more so, of the best of his livestock. Our text says Abel gave the choice cuts of meat from his firstborn animal and as a result, God liked him and his offering. 

Notice that God accepted Abel first before accepting his offering. Giving and what we give is secondary to God accepting us first. When we are accepted, then what we give is acceptable. It is all in our attitude. That's why it does not matter if you have given your whole body to be burnt and have not charity, it counts for nothing. 

Today, believers are accepted in the beloved. (see Eph:1:6) This gives us more reasons to give the best of ourselves, the best of our stuff and the best of our service because God gave His best to redeem us. The choice cuts of meat belongs to God. 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro, 
(aka Mr. Lift)

NB: Thank you all for celebrating my son's birthday with us. May celebration not cease in our lives and homes. Amen 


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