Who are you?
Where are you?
"GOD called to the Man: "Where are you?" (Gen.3.9)
When God asked the man this question in our text, it was to verify man's whereabout as it relates to his position and not just his location. Because we know that man could really not hide from God's all-seeing eyes. God is asking you same question and most people like Adam will miss the point.
One cannot be said to be lost except he does not know his location as well as his destination. Little wonder, when you want to give a description, you first ascertain the person's location. Ad from the location you can then identify and landmarks that will hep them get to their destination.
The Bible helps us identify our position. It says we are "In Christ..." God put in Christ everything He wanted us to be, have and do. That is the position from which you must see yourself because that's how God sees you. Never let your struggle become your identity - which was what Adam did when God asked him the question in our text.
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." (2Cor.5.17 KJV)
It is "IN CHRIST " that we become everything God has for us. We were "In-Christed " and that makes all the difference.
So, where are you?
I am in Christ...
Good day,
Have a great day today,
Emmanuel Okoro,
(aka Mr. Lift)
NB: Happy birthday to my beloved son, Orevaoghenekparobo. Grow in wisdom and the fear of the Lord
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