A praying husband and a praying wife

A prayng husband and a praying wife 

"Isaac prayed hard to GOD for his wife because she was barren. GOD answered his prayer and Rebekah became pregnant. But the children tumbled and kicked inside her so much that she said, "If this is the way it's going to be, why go on living?" She went to GOD to find out what was going on." (Gen.25.21-22)

Prayer is an avenue through which humanity can partake in divine activity. When we pray, we not only communicate with God, but also share in exacting and implement the council of our God. Prayer is a vital success factor for the believer. 

Our text says that Rebekah was barren and isaac prayed hard for his wife. I wonder how further along we will go if the husbands learn to pray for their wives. The text says he prayed hard for his wife. The hardness of prayer is not dependent on how loud or quiet we sound but how accurate our stance is in relation to the word of God. This would make Isaac a praying husband. Are you a praying husband? 

But the wife was not left out. Lest we think that the wives have a 'prayer holiday'. The next verse says when the pregnancy became challenging for her, to the point, she thought of giving up, she instead went to the Lord to find out what was going on. Oh, how I wish we have praying women who will go to find out from the Lord what was going in their homes, with their husbands, with their children. When she came to find out from the Lord, the Lord answered her and told her what she wanted to know. This makes Rebekah a praying wife. Are you a praying wife? 

Imagine then, what the home will be like, if we have both husbands and wives as praying people. The Bible instructs that we ought always to pray and not to faint.(see Lk. 18.1). That means anytime and every time we can talk to God, and He will answer. May God answer us speedily. Amen 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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