Abraham died happy

Abraham died happy 

"Then he took his final breath. He died happy at a ripe old age, full of years, and was buried with his family." (Gen.25.8) 

Does it really matter, one way or another, how a person dies? For the dead, it is not painful but it is for the living. When a person dies, the person feels nothing anymore in this world. The Bible however takes the time and space to announce to us that Abraham died happy. 

This means it is important. It smacks of all the things we seek. He died happy, at a ripe old age, full of years. He died happy meaning he was fulfilled. He died empty - haven done all that was committed into his hands. He died fulfilling God's agenda for his life. Nothing brings more joy and happiness than knowing you're doing what you were created to do. 

At a ripe old age, full of years. Abraham packed so much into his life. He had so much going for him. Do not give up on life. It is a proven, recorded fact that old people who stay engaged and productive, seem to get more out of life than those who retire into seclusion. Abraham got married again at almost a hundred and fifty years. He really was full of life. Don't give up on your dreams because you feel you are old. Old people have been known to accomplish great feat. You can too. 

This is why Abraham must have died happy because he kept stretching and reaching for all the possibilities God had for him. If the only way one can truly be happy is to do what one was created to do, then the only way to die happy is to do what one was created to do. 

"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom. (Ps.90.12 KJV)

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift


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