Give me sons or I'll die!

Give me sons or I'll die!

"When Rachel realized that she wasn't having any children for Jacob, she became jealous of her sister. She told Jacob, "Give me sons or I'll die!" (Gen.30.1) 

The words of Rachel the love wife of Jacob, reminds me of the craving for a male child in most homes. This craving is because many families want to make a name for themselves, to perpetuate their lineage through the male child. This child is supposed to carry on the family name. This is understandable, but for the woman to be the one making such remarks, calls to mind a deeper pain than perpetuity. 

How does it feel when the blessing of others provoke a jealousy you never knew existed in you? How do you respond? Do you like Rachel formulate a pathway that is not in line with God's agenda? What is the cost of waiting? Do you trust God enough to know that when it seems He is not working according to your definition, He is working according to His? And that His plans for you are the best? 

Waiting is never easy but when we wait according to and in accordance with God's timing, it results in the best outcome. Rachel did not have her first child, but after Leah's six sons and one daughter, Bilhah's two sons, and Zilpha's  sons. But her first born son Joseph was the one God used to preserved the entire family. God is not unmindful of you, His plans for you are not according to your timelines, they are according to His. 

Give me a son or I'll die, she said. Imagine if she had died, Joseph would have died in her. Your dreams are valid but wait for God's time and you will be better for it. 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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