God has not changed

God has not changed 

"He said, "I notice that your father has changed toward me; he doesn't treat me the same as before. But the God of my father hasn't changed; he's still with me." (Gen.31.5) 

Change is one of the constants in life. So it expected that as we interact and engage with the people and the world around us, that we will change. Some for the better, others, well, let's just say not for the best. 

Our text tells the story of Jacob as an employee and his employer, Leban, who happens to be his uncle. And it shows how we must be steadfastly doing what is right even in the face of seeming wrong done to us. Knowing that when people change for the worse, God does not change. And it is on this unchanging nature of God that we must hancour our actions and not allow it to sway based on how we are treated by others. 

The Bible tells us that God allows his rain to fall on the just and the unjust. (see Matthew. 5.45) If you feel unjustly treated, go to God and trust that He will sort you out. This frees us from trying to take the laws into our hands. God should be our first resort and He will instruct us what to do. 

Jacob recognized and acknowledged that God was with him and you must too and let your actions flow it. God is with you and He does not change 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift)


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