Isaac planted in that land

Isaac planted in that land 

"Isaac planted crops in that land and took in a huge harvest. GOD blessed him. The man got richer and richer by the day until he was very wealthy. He accumulated flocks and herds and many, many servants, so much so that the Philistines began to envy him. (Gen.26.12-14) 

Isaac lived in an agrarian society so planting was not unusual. But what was unusual is the fact that there was famine in the land so whatever was planted  did not have a chance at growing to the point of harvest. 

It is instructive to learn that he planted crops in obedience to God's instructions. So it was a time when nothing seem to work. The economy wasn't working, yet he planted . And it was that obedience that God blessed. In this day and age, it does not matter what job you do, if it is in obedience to God's instructions to you, you too will reap an harvest. 

God's instruction plus your obedience equal God's blessings. But you must plant  even when the time and tide do not seem favourable. Keep putting seeds on the ground. If there are no seeds on the ground, there will be no fruit on the trees. Seeds come in different forms, your gifts and talents are seeds, your know-how is a seed, your ability is a seed. Find your seed and engage it

Let's end with this Chicanes axiom: "Judge the success of the day not by the harvest you reap but by the seeds you sow" 

Is your day successful? How many hectares have you planted today? 

Good day,
Have a great day today, 
Emmanuel Okoro 
(aka Mr. Lift) 


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